E-drivetrain workspace objective
The advantages of Multiphase Machines and Drives over conventional three-phase topologies are, in addition to functional reliability after the appearance of a fault at the level of the machine or the inverter, a greater density of the electromagnetic torque while guaranteeing a high torque quality (small ripple) and finally, very simply, a possibility of fragmenting the power over a greater number of phases. With a high level of integration of new components of power electronics as GaN or SiC, a multiphase drive can be seen as a DC machine since there are only two cables coming from DC-bus to supply the drive. However, obtaining the mentioned advantages requires complex control algorithms and a good design of the drive.
The differentes activities are :
- Multiphase machine design for transportation
- Multiphase Machines and Drives functioning in Degraded modes
- Sensorless control of Multiphase Machines
- Physics-informed AI for controlling and fault diagnosis
Generalized Vectorial Formalism
The Generalized Vectorial Formalism (GVF) has been developed to model in a unified way systems having a high number of Degrees of Freedom (DoF). Here are some examples. An N-leg inverter is modeling by a vectorial polyhedron of dimension N (a hypercube) or an N-phase electric machine, by the eigenspaces and eigenvectors associated to eigenvalues of inductance matrix. The machine supply is thus defined by a linear application between inverter space and machine space, with its core (Fig. 1). These research activities have been carried out within the framework of C2EI (Intelligent Integrated Energy Converter) project aiming to develop a highly reliable and intelligent multiphase drive [1], [2]. This prototype has been proposed to have a dual five-phase machine from a 20 slots/14 poles PMSM.

show multiphases electrical machine prototype developped on its test bench
Associate Prof. Ngac Ky NGUYEN,
Project linked to Edrive
Shows the configuration of a test bench consisting of a multiphase machine, an inverter, a load machine, various real-time boards (dSPACE) and computers for supervision.
The seven-phase electrical machine is mechanically connected to the load machine (emulation interface), which is controlled by the inverter (Parvex drive).
The two computers manage the entire experiment and display the measurements in real time. One computer is dedicated to the 7-phase electrical machine under test, and a second to the references of the variable speed drive.
Of course, a dedicated inverter is used to drive the protoype electrical machine and all its electronics.